Cars, motorbikes & accessories

Gtech Accessories Ltd

5.00/5.00 Published 192 days ago

"Fonctionnalité exceptionnelle"

La fonctionnalité de ce nouvel aspirateur est tout aussi excellente que celle de mon précédent Gtech Pro K9, qui a fonctionné de manière optimale pendant sept ans avec juste une nouvelle batterie et un nouveau pied. Il est maintenant temps de remplacer le manche, mais cela ne pose aucun problème. Cet aspirateur est le seul qui a réussi à enlever efficacement les poils de chat du tapis, c'est pourquoi il est maintenant utilisé pour les sols en bas. Il y a quelques années, j'ai essayé un aspirateur Shark pour les tapis à l'étage, mais je vais devoir m'en débarrasser après l'avoir essayé et laissé de côté. Je préfère rester fidèle à ce que je connais.

5.00/5.00 Published 276 days ago

"Gtech stands out as the top choice."

Gtech is unparalleled; having owned three over the years, it remains the absolute best. Any issues are promptly resolved, and their customer service is exceptionally pleasant and helpful. They handle everything quickly, and the vacuum is truly outstanding.

5.00/5.00 Published 291 days ago

"I'm awarding this company a 5-star review because they truly impressed me."

I'm providing this company with a 5-star review due to its practical customer service. I received the incorrect iPhone case, and when I offered to return it for a refund, they assured me they would refund the full amount and advised not to bother returning the case. I'll find a use for it, but it saved me a trip to the post office. The refund was processed promptly. Why can't all consumer companies be this accommodating?

5.00/5.00 Published 301 days ago

"Company run exceptionally well."

Exceptionally well-managed company. They provide replacement parts, so there's no need to discard the entire machine. I encountered an issue with a Gtech Pro2 Hoover, called the helpline, and promptly connected with the right person. The part was ordered and delivered the next day. Outstanding service, thank you.

Gtech Accessories Ltd




0800 484 0215

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