Computers & electronics

Rosman Computers

5.00/5.00 Published 249 days ago

"bons services de la part des vendeurs, homme"

les bons services des vendeurs et les caméras sont arrivés à temps quand j'ai eu des problèmes, les vendeurs m'ont donné le numéro de téléphone tp link donc je les ai appelés et ils ont résolu mon problème merci

5.00/5.00 Published 284 days ago

"Outstanding assistance for a critical breakdown."

We urgently needed a distinctive yet uncommon PCI board, and the team managed to ship and deliver it across state lines within two days. Despite it being a low-cost component, they excelled in both service and personalized attention.

5.00/5.00 Published 298 days ago

"An unexpectedly delightful acquisition."

While browsing the internet for an upgrade to my aging PC, I stumbled upon this computer store offering the best available price. Much to my surprise, they not only had stock but also provided free delivery, prompting me to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised by the swift processing of my order; it was shipped the same afternoon. The following day, my order arrived in Brisbane. Outstanding service and rapid delivery – what more could one ask for? Many thanks to Rosman Computers!

Rosman Computers




+61 2 4267 4299

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