Cars, motorbikes & accessories

Kearys CarStore

5.00/5.00 Published 194 days ago

"Carstore Cork offre un service remarquablement efficace."

Je recommande vivement leur service. Ab a été incroyablement efficace, et la qualité du service fourni était exceptionnelle. J'ai reçu une vidéo de présentation de la voiture dès le lendemain de ma demande, et j'ai pu réserver et récupérer ma nouvelle voiture rapidement et facilement.

5.00/5.00 Published 276 days ago

"Expérience formidable"

J'ai vécu une expérience formidable en achetant une voiture dans ce magasin à Dublin. Un grand merci à Dylan pour m'avoir aidé à répondre à toutes mes questions.

5.00/5.00 Published 291 days ago


I contacted the service department at Kearys Dublin to address an issue with my Toyota, which I purchased from them a few months ago. he answered the phone and, from the beginning to the end, was incredibly helpful and delightful to deal with. She assisted me in resolving my issue swiftly and with minimal hassle. Many thanks for going the extra mile to help me with the problem. It is greatly appreciated. Ivan

5.00/5.00 Published 297 days ago

"Outstanding customer service."

I purchased a car from Carstore Cork recently. Marco provided tremendous assistance throughout the entire process and exceeded expectations in every aspect. He consistently kept us well-informed and even followed up after the transaction. Based on the exceptional customer service we received from Marco, I wholeheartedly recommend Kearys Carstore Cork

Kearys CarStore




021 234 0500

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