Computers & electronics


5.00/5.00 Published 249 days ago

"Bonne compagnie"

Ouais, je n'ai pas utilisé cette entreprise auparavant, mais jusqu'à présent, ils m'ont fait beaucoup, donc rien à redire de ma part, ouais, bien, merci

5.00/5.00 Published 284 days ago

"Placed an order for a new phone, scheduled for delivery the next day..."

Placed an order for a new phone with next-day delivery. Received an email stating it was out of stock for the next day, causing some concern. However, gave it another day, and it was back in stock, delivered on the second day. So, just a minor hiccup in an otherwise seamless process.

5.00/5.00 Published 297 days ago

"Exceptional Employee: Ido Steuer!"

Ido Steuer facilitated a smooth and effortless experience. As an older user of mobile phones, I was hesitant about what appeared to be a complex and confusing process of transitioning from one network to another with a new phone. Ido demonstrated patience and understanding, guiding me through the steps and making it simple for me to retain the same phone number I've had for about 20 years. Thank you, Ido, I truly appreciate the extra effort you put in!





0333 900 1133

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