Cars, motorbikes & accessories


5.00/5.00 Published 197 days ago

"This marks my second 5-star review."

The first was regarding my car purchase last year and the outstanding service from the Cork team. This current 5-star review acknowledges the exceptional aftercare service from Keary's in Cork. They've upheld all agreements and it's been a delight working with them. Special thanks to Shane and Amy. I highly recommend their services.

5.00/5.00 Published 276 days ago

"Service exceptionnel avec le sourire à chaque fois !"

Un service client excellent, ce qui est extrêmement important. Les membres de l'équipe professionnelle et l'équipe de direction étaient sympathiques. Ma voiture, dont je suis très satisfait, ainsi que les services, le contrôle technique et tout diagnostic effectué, sont complets et approfondis.

5.00/5.00 Published 291 days ago

"Sincere, well-informed, and supportive sales team, especially Luke."

Fast online booking service. Vehicles are well-prepared. Personalized videos to save on travel. The sales staff, especially Luke, is honest, knowledgeable, and helpful. Overall, a great experience with a quick turnaround. Traded in another vehicle and received a fair value and price for the next one.

5.00/5.00 Published 296 days ago

"Excellent service."

Fantastic service from the two gentlemen we encountered. The atmosphere was pleasant and laid-back, with absolutely no pressure. We completed everything within half an hour and even stayed an extra 10 minutes just chatting about cars. I would certainly recommend giving these guys a try.





+352 26 09 07 1

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