
Doctorspring -Ask a Doctor 24/7

5.00/5.00 Published 276 days ago

"My daughter strongly recommended that I seek a second opinion..."

At my daughter's urging, I sought a second opinion and stumbled upon DoctorSpring's website. I registered for a consultation, and I'm incredibly pleased that I did. The cardiologist assigned to my case provided a concise yet informative opinion that perfectly aligned with the previous one I received after undergoing two echograms and two office visits. It's a fantastic service, worth every penny!

5.00/5.00 Published 291 days ago

"Excellent communication skills and a prompt response time…"

Effective communication and a quick response time are crucial aspects. The opportunity to ask additional follow-up questions proves to be immensely beneficial. I've encountered difficulty obtaining certain medical follow-up information from my primary provider, as they often create barriers between me and specialists, particularly in the realm of radiology. Perhaps they assume that a layperson lacks the necessary knowledge, which isn't always accurate. I truly value the ability to comprehend and manage health-related queries with the guidance of genuine experts, minus any intimidating factors. Thank you once again, and please continue your commendable efforts.

5.00/5.00 Published 296 days ago

"Interaction de qualité."

I collaborated with Dr. Sagar Makode, who specializes in cardiology. The quality of communication was superb, a feature not consistently found in all online doctor services. Dr. Makode demonstrated a clear understanding of his field and patiently addressed my detailed questions. Although there are outdated promotions on the website that are no longer valid, they need to tidy up the webpage. In essence, the true value one seeks in a service like this is the confidence and clarity in the answers provided. In this regard, Doctor Spring excels.

Doctorspring -Ask a Doctor 24/7




(502) 586-6695!

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