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5.00/5.00 Published 275 days ago

"SoundStore a été fantastique..."

SoundStore a été fantastique pour remplacer notre réfrigérateur/congélateur défaillant. J'ai passé commande en ligne un mercredi soir, le lendemain matin, j'ai reçu un charmant e-mail de confirmation de Kay indiquant que la livraison aurait lieu le vendredi. Le livreur, Denis, a été exceptionnel pour installer l'unité volumineuse dans notre cuisine et emporter l'ancien réfrigérateur/congélateur. Un article répertorié n'était pas inclus, mais lorsque nous avons suivi, Helena a été excellente avec le service après-vente et a résolu rapidement le problème pour nous. Je recommande vivement SoundStore !!

5.00/5.00 Published 289 days ago

"Highly effective..."

Remarkably efficient... Placed an online order and received an immediate email notification for collection readiness... Upon collection, encountered a diligent and amiable individual at the Cork store in Blackpool—regrettably, didn't catch his name, but he had red hair. He provided exceptional assistance, even bringing the item out to my car. I observed his interactions with other customers, and he truly reflects positively on Soundstore.

5.00/5.00 Published 293 days ago

"Placed an order for my new washing machine on..."

Placed an order for my new washing machine on Tuesday morning, and it was delivered and installed by 11 am on Wednesday. Liam, the installation professional, was absolutely fantastic. Due to the layout of our kitchen, access was a bit challenging, but Liam had the machine installed in no time at all. Exceptional service!





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